File Naming

On the File Naming step you can define the output filenaming rules for the converted files. With the simplified Print & Convert Profile Wizard you can define simple rules for the output file naming. Use the CUSTOMTOOLS File Conversion options to create a file conversion rule with more complex file naming rule with more attributes.

Example source The Example source box displays an example of a source file of the file conversion the new conversion rule apply to.
Target path rule The Target path rule box determines the output path and filename of the conversion output. Click ▼ associated to the Target path rule box to use the pre-defined path attributes available in the Print & Convert Profile Wizard.
Converted file Select the DRAWINGS option to process SOLIDWORKS drawing documents with your new file conversion rule. The DRAWINGS option cannot be selected along with the PARTS or ASSEMBLIES options.

You can use the following attributes to define the output path and filename for the file conversion output:

Source Path Retrieves the source document path and includes it to the target filename.
Source File Retrieves the filename from the source document and inserts it to the output filename.
<Browse folder> Opens a folder browser that you can use to manually select the desired target path for the output files.

The additional options associated to the output file naming appears dynamically based on the output file type selected on the previous step. For that reason, the additional options may vary between the different output file types. Please refer to the following table to see what additional options are available per output file type.

  Output Document Types
Option Label Description File Type Extension
Separate sheets to own files Select the Separate sheets to own files option to create an own output file for each drawing sheet converted using this rule. PDF *.pdf
Merge all PDFs into single file Select the Merge all PDFs into single file option to merge all PDF file created to a single output file. In that case, each different PDF file appears to the output file as an own page. PDF *.pdf
Merge by thickness and material Select the Merge by thickness and material option to separate and merge the part files into different output files by the source document's material and thickness. In this case each material and thickness results a single output file and the source documents are included in the output file based on values assigned to their Material and Thickness attributes. DXF, DWG *.dxf, *.dwg

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