Combobox Options

Lookup list can be used with Property which type is Combobox, Editable Combobox or Hierarchical Combo.

Lookup list is a list of pre-defined values from which user can select one as value of the Property. If the type of the Property is Editable combobox, the value can either be selected or typed manually whereas Combobox type only allows selecting. Hierarchical lookup lists (i.e. "multi-level lists") can either be shown entirely with a single Hierarchical Combo type Property, or with Combobox type Properties for each level separately using Hierarchical list source property option to determine the "parent" Property of the current selection level. When using Hierarchical Combo, the actual value saved is the "full path" of the selection, concatenated with pipe (|).

If the Property has a value that is not present in the current lookup list, that value is kept and shown as it would exist in the lookup list, however, it will not be automatically appended.

Lookup list selection and options

Lookup list to use Select the lookup list to be used with the custom property. If the lookup list is created as Hierarchical type, there are some additional options available.
Hierarchical list source property When using Combobox or Editable Combobox with hierarchical (multi-level) lookup list, you must select the parent Property that drives the content of this Property (starting from the 2nd indent level).
Indent Hierarchical level based on currently selected Hierarchical list source property.
Value column If the selected lookup list's type is Hierarchical, it is possible to use a key column of the list as stored value instead of the Value column that is normally used. If a lookup list row has empty value for key that should be used as value, CUSTOMTOOLS falls back to Value column for that row. Note that uniqueness of the stored values are expected, but not validated in this case.
Display value column If the selected lookup list's type is Hierarchical and the Property type is Hierarchical Combo, this option can be used to display values from the selected column of the lookup list while still writing the corresponding Value column as the actual Property value.

Display value column is only respected at Properties. For example Search and Search Group Search ignore this option because also the returning result set is given in the "real" value.

As an example, you could have another system that expects CustomProperty value of a Unit property to be 1, 2, 3 or 4, but you'd like to choose from corresponding friendly values 'KG', 'KM', 'PCS' and 'HOURS' when filling Properties with CUSTOMTOOLS. To achieve that, create a hierarchical single level lookup list with rows (value, key1) [1, 'KG'], [2, 'KM'], [3, 'PCS'] and [4, 'HOURS'], then set Property Type to Hierarchical Combo, select the list at this page, choose Value as Value column and key1 as Display value column.


The List preview shows you a preview of the selected lookup list. If the selected lookup list type is Hierarchical, items that will be written into the combobox property (i.e Value column) are highlighted in the List preview with light blue background color. If Display value column option is used, values that will appear as selectables for users will be shown as dark blue text color, if different from Value column.

The general controls are included in all pages of the Property Wizard.

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