CustomTools Profile Converter

You are able to convert your existing profiles from the CustomTools 3.x versions to CustomTools 4.x or 5.x version of profile.

Installer of the Profile converter is located in the Tools folder in the CustomTools install media.

Once the Profile Converter has been installed, it appears into you CustomTools menu on the Windows Start menu.

The CustomTools Profile Converter can be used also from the Windows Command Prompt. In the Command Prompt, use the following syntax to convert your existing profiles:

Using Profile Converter via Windows Command Prompt

Usage CTProfileConverter.exe [Arguments]
Arguments Determines the options to be used to convert the old profile into the new format:
/output Sets the output path and the filename for the converted profile. (NOTE: This argument is required)
/input Sets the path and the filename of the source profile that you want to convert. (NOTE: This argument is required)
/ralcolor Sets the source path and the filename of the file that contains the RAL Color settings. (NOTE: This argument is optional)
/customcolor Sets the source path and the filename of the file that contains the Custom Color settings. (NOTE: This argument is optional)
Example CTProfileConverter.exe /output:NewProfile.ctprof /input:CustomTools.cfg