Welcome to CustomTools Installation Guide

This tutorial guides you on the CustomTools installation with the new CustomTools installer introduced in CustomTools 2013.

Intended Audience:

This document is for all the users with any level of experience of the earlier CustomTools products. The main purpose of this document is to get the users familiar with the changes and improvements implemented to CustomTools installation program.

Where to Find The CustomTools Installer:

CustomTools installation package is located in the CustomTools installation media you have purchased. CustomTools installation media includes two installer applications based on the operating system types:

Installer Name System Type
CustomTools.201x.SPx.32bit CustomTools installer for the x86 (32-bit) operating systems.
CustomTools.201x.SPx.64bit CustomTools installer for the x64 (64-bit) operating systems.

Info NOTE: CustomTools Installers are platform specific for 32- and 64-bit operating systems. The 32-bit CustomTools installer cannot be executed on a workstation which have 64-bit operating system and vice versa.

Separate Installation of the Microsoft SQL Server:

If you need to install the SQL Server separately into your database server workstation, you can download the SQL Server 2014 Express for free from the Microsoft Download Center.

Further SQL Server installation instructions:

As the SQL Server is a product of the Microsoft Corporation, it is recommended that you refer to the official SQL Server Documentation available for example in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) if you encounter any problems during the SQL Server installation process:

CustomTools Installation Through the Command Line:

CustomTools installation could be performed also by using the Windows Command Prompt. Please refer to a CustomTools help topic called Install CustomTools Using Windows Command Prompt for the instructions about the command line installation.

Start Installation:

It is recommended that you check the CustomTools system requirements before you actually start the installation process. But in case syou already have SOLIDWORKS installed in your workstation, you can skip the system requirements check and start the installation. In this case, click the following Start Installation Tutorial button.

If you would like to check the CustomTools system requirements anyway, click the following View System Requirements button.

Related Topics

Pre-requisites of the CustomTools installation
CustomTools installation through the command line

MSDN: Install SQL Server 2014 from the Installation Wizard
MSDN: Install the SQL Server components individually