Resolve Conflicts in Linked Custom Properties

The Update Conflict dialog box appears when you open a document that has some linked custom property value, and the value in the SOLIDWORKS document properties and the linked value in the external data source are both changed.

The conflict occurs in case when the linked value is first changed in the external database and after that, the value changes also in the SOLIDWORKS. As a result of the conflict, the Update Conflict dialog box appears. Use the Update Conflict dialog box to select the correct value to be written into the document properties.

Info NOTE: The conflict could occur only when you have the Enable updating of linked custom properties when value in the linked database has changed option selected in the Database Search Group settings that the linked custom property is using. Otherwise, the value retrieved once from the external source does not react at all even if the value in the external data source changes in the future.

Related Topics

Link item from an external database to your custom properties
Database search group settings