PDM Check Out

The CustomTools: PDM Check Out dialog box appears when you are about to open SOLIDWORKS documents that exist in your PDM data vault and, that ownership you do not have while opening them. So the CustomTools: PDM Check Out dialog box is used to check out the documents that exist in the PDM before opening them.

PDM Check Out file list:

Filename Name of the file.
Check Out Select this check box associated to each document you want to check out.
Checked Out By Name of the user who currently have checked out the document.
Info NOTE: SOLIDWORKS Toolbox parts are excluded from the document list because they does not belong to the revision system used by the documents located in folders outside the SOLIDWORKS toolbox.

Toolbox parts are located in folder defined as the Hole Wizard and Toolbox folder in the SOLIDWORKS Hole Wizard/Toolbox options.

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