Database Wizard - Step 2

In the second step of the database wizard, you can define a name for the profile.

Profile naming:

Profile name Determines name for the profile to be created into a database.

Info NOTE: Each profile in your CustomTools database needs to have an unique name.

Profile type:

Empty Empty profile is not based on any kind of template. The profile can be fully defined by the user.
Machinery design Creates a database profile which is based on the machinery design profile template. This profile can also be defined by the user.
Import profile Select this option to import an existing profile instead of creating a new one into a database you are about to create. With the Import profile option you can import your existing CustomTools Profile file but it also allows migration of your existing CustomTools 3.x and CPM 9 configuration files to the current CustomTools version.

Profile types supported by the Import option:

You can import the following types of profile or configuration files on the CustomTools database creation to migrate your existing settings with your current CustomTools version: