Default Value

The Default Value page of the CustomProperty Wizard can be used to define default CustomProperty value for user group or specific users of CustomTools.

Default CustomProperty values appear automatically into the CustomProperties pane and the default values are also saved into the SOLIDWORKS document's Custom properties when you create a new SOLIDWORKS document.

Info NOTE: Default values you have set up for a CustomProperty in here, does not apply to your existing documents.

Setting the default value:

User groups/users Lists the existing users and user groups defined in the CustomTools database.
Default value for selection Defines the default value for the custom property.

Special rules based on the type of CustomProperty:

CustomProperty Type Rules for the Available Values
Combobox/Editable Combobox Value options in the Default value for selection box are based on the lookup list used with the property.
Date The Default Value is not available for date CustomProperty.
Checkbox Select the checkbox CustomProperty by default.

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