Additional Options for TIF

The additional options for the TIF documents provides some advanced options for the file conversion rules which output file type is TIF.

Output as:

Image type Specifies the color scheme used by the output document.
Black/White (Bilevel) The output document uses the Black/White color scheme.
RGB full color (Default) The output document uses the full RGB color scheme.
Gray scale The output document uses the gray scale color scheme.

Compression scheme Specifies the compression method used on file conversion.
Uncompressed (Default) The output document is not compressed at all on file conversion.
Packbits Compress the output file using the backbits compression scheme.
Group 4 fax Compress the output file using the group 4 fax compression scheme.

NOTE: The Group 4 fax compression can be used only with the output documents which uses the black/white color scheme.

Common controls:

Reset All Resets all additional options to their default settings.

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