Dictionary Contents

The dictionary called desc is the default dictionary created by CustomTools of the database creation. The dictionaries can be viewed and/or modified from the Translation Options which is located in the Database Options tab of the CustomOptions dialog box.

Translation table:

The default dictionary called desc contains some basic terminology and it has been translated in the following six languages:

When a new language is added, it appears automatically to the new and existing dictionaries.

Translation table controls:

Delete Row Erases the selected rows from the dictionary.

Right-click menu:
Copy Copies the selected row to clipboard.
Paste Pastes the clipboard contents into the dictionary.
Cut Removes the selected content from the dictionary.

The cutted content can be pasted into the other place just like in copy-paste operation. The difference is that in the Cut operation the content does not stay in its original location so, it is like moving the content from place to other with help of the Windows clipboard.
Delete row Erases the selected row from the dictionary.

The Delete row command is visible in the right-click menu when you right-click the desired row number on the left side of the translation table.
Clear Remove the highlighted translations from the dictionary.
Add row Adds a new row into the bottom of the dictionary.
Sort column (A-Z) Sorts the selected column alphabetically to the ascending order (A...Z)
Sort column (Z-A) Sorts the selected column alphabetically to the descending order (Z...A)

Related Topics

Language and dictionary related options
Create a new language
Create a new dictionary
Edit an existing language
Edit an existing dictionary

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